Look at Dean Tian’s respectful appearance. Big Uncle is shocked and wants to talk. Dad Zhuang stares and slaps him. He quickly covers his mouth and can whisper in his heart.

Shit, is this savage scared of doctors, too?
No way!
Zhuang’s father is proud. Are you curious?
I like it when I don’t tell you. You don’t know what happened!
Ah, no, it’s a generational shift!
Dad Zhuang slapped himself gently.
Chapter 533 Can it be cured?
In the ward, grandpa held Dad Zhuang’s hand and said, "Don’t tell Sa that I’m sick. Sa can’t hide her mind, but she will definitely tell your mother. I don’t want her to worry too much."
Dad Zhuang nodded.
Not far from Zhuang, Zhuang’s father’s years of depression and knot are not so easy to solve.
"Are you sure you won’t tell my mother?" Not far from ward Zhuang, ask Dad Zhuang.
"Xiaoyuan, tell dad the truth. Can your grandfather’s disease really be cured?"
"Nengzhi" Zhuang nodded not far away. "Manor stem cell research is the most advanced, but there has been no clinical trial before."
This research was intended to save the great tiger, and they have been going on since then. Hortenberg is holding his breath and planning to fight for a name in this field. For a scholar who is not very talented and has passed the best scientific research age, all he can do is try his best and try his best again.
To tell the truth, Zhuang doesn’t know the research progress of the manor not far away. After all, it’s not his main business. It’s a big deal to freeze his grandfather until the experiment is perfect
"Then don’t tell your mother until the situation is stable." Dad Zhuang said, "If it can’t be cured, you have to tell her or she will hate my generation."
No matter how big the knot is, it’s Zhuang Ma’s father after all.
Then Dad Zhuang said not far from Zhuang, "If you spend more time with your grandfather, after all, blood is thicker than water."
Zhuang’s father and grandfather are not related by blood. His feelings for grandfather are rooted in Zhuang Ma and Zhuang, but Zhuang is not far away. Zhuang is not far away. He has this duty of filial piety and righteousness.
Dad Zhuang is an honest and kind person. You can tell at this time.
Not far away, Zhuang thought of the old man’s haggard skin and nodded "good"
"Your grandfather’s treatment plan, you should also pay more attention to it. Dad thanked you for your mother."
"You’ve been talking like swearing lately …" Not far from Zhuang.
"Your mother!"
Dad knocked on Zhuang’s head and left with his car on the first floor.
Back to the ward, I saw Big Jiu clutching his face and staring at Louzhuang’s dad’s mouth muttering, "What’s going on? What’s going on? Is this loser promising? Impossible! "
Big Uncle is unpopular, and there is not even one in the hospital who is willing to help him with some medicine to reduce swelling.
Turn to see not far from Zhuang, and then look back to confirm that the barbarian Zhuang’s father has gone and immediately set up the elder frame. "What are you doing there?" Don’t hurry to take care of your grandfather! "
Not far from Zhuang, I really want to learn from my father and say your mother!

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